Souths are finally in the NRL grand final! Despite numerous entreaties, George Piggins, the man most responsible for the survival of that club,has not attended a game the club has played since Russell Crowe and Peter Holmes a Court took over the club.

Last week, however, in a moment of a weakness during a laudatory profile of him in the Daily Telegraph , George slipped and admitted he would attend if one hundred thousand dollars was donated in equal shares to the Sydney Children's hospitals at Randwick and Westmead.

This proud, strong, noble, man, has given his word. All we have to do is raise $100 000. If just 10 000 people donate $10 each, it will happen. The bell that was rung at the first game Souths ever played in 1908 will be rung again this Sunday. The NRL no doubt have a plan for someone to ring that bell. But there is only one man in this town who should be ringing it. That man is George Piggins, and if you donate here, he will come.


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